Partner with Lisa


A note from Lisa...


I am a Libra, and Libras thrive on relationships. 
Working with others brings me so much joy. 
It turns work into fun! 

When you find people who are in alignment with your dreams and desires, it is easy to create magic! I feel so blessed to have found such amazing partners along my journey.

Some partners are around for the long haul. 
Others come along, you make magic, and then you both continue on your own individual paths.
So you will notice the names on this page change from time to time.
Each collaborative journey brings with it the fruits of the efforts and are amazing in their own right. 

I want to say a personal thank you to all the people who have been in my life, propelled me forward on my journey and assisted me to create and grow on my mission to elevate the world.

I look forward to the new relationships that form in the future.

One needs to realize, there are infinite potential partners to be discovered, each one offering miraculous combinations on the path to growth and transformation.  

In gratitude to past and current partnerships,
and embracing future co-creations.

With Light,
Lisa Gniady

p.s. I welcome potential collaborations, if interested don’t hesitate to reach out, you never know what is around the next bend unless you ask…

Why I choose to work together with others:

  • When you co-create, the potential creations that are birthed are much more impactful.

  • Each person comes in with their own individual gifts and talents.

  • We cannot all be proficient at everything, when you recognize your strengths and can accept your weaknesses, it is easy to find those that can “fill in the gaps”. This makes working on projects so much more fun!

  • Work doesn't seem like work when you partner with those that are in alignment with your intentions and ideas.

7 Steps to a Successful Collaborative Effort

See success in your combined efforts with these seven steps to a successful collaboration. When people act with honesty and integrity, everyone benefits.

  1. Trust: You must trust yourself and the other party to be able to accomplish your task at hand.

  2. Acceptance: Accept each other’s limitations, let go of expectations and work together for the common goal.

  3. Balance: In order for no one to feel taken advantage of, there must be a give-and-take of tasks and responsibilities.

  4. Communication: Communication, the free flow of ideas and concerns, is important to prevent irritation, or frustration amongst team members. 

  5. Scheduling: One of the biggest parts of any collaboration is coordinating time to work. Be understanding and flexible with other’s schedules.

  6. Patience: Have patience with differences of opinions and try to work towards the common goal.

  7. Respect: Respect everyone’s part in the collaboration. Everyone has something valuable to contribute.

Interested in purchasing “7 Steps to a Successful Collaborative Effort”
inspirational cards for your Team or yourself?

Available as packages.


“Team Lisa”
Lisa Gniady & Lisa Nomikos 



“Team Lisa”—Lisa Gniady & Lisa Nomikos—merged their intuitive gifts to create a line of inspirational products and offerings that elevate and uplift humanity.

Their collaboration has sparked one-of-a-kind creations of Soul Vision Aura Portraits and Light Code Activators. The combination of Spirit-guided inspirational words and conscious energy art are born out of the ethers and manifested into the physical realm. Our growing oracle card product line and Believe-In Series of Positive Affirmation Cards beautifully blend Lisa Nomikos’ illustrations and graphic design with Lisa Gniady’s Channeled Intuitive Guidance. 

The creation phase is never ending, as a team they are continuously bringing new visions to life. Check out their new Crystalline Light Code Activation Courses.

Lisa Nomikos, owner of Gathering Visions is a Visionary, Intuitive Artist who brings etheric worlds to life with her surreal and Shamanic artwork. As an intuitive, she energetically streams the “universal plane of consciousness” into abstract energy paintings and creations. Tapping into the spirit realm, she creates from a higher vibrational state—expressing your personal energy signature in colors and shapes.

She is a Certified Intuitive Life Coach, Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Usui Reiki Master, Certified Goddess Reiki 1 and Goddess Reiki 2, Angelic Realm practitioner.

Visit Lisa Nomikos' website - Gathering Visions

On A Quest For Knowledge And Transformation?

These creative ventures offer those who are ready, the wisdom and insight for acceleration on their path to spiritual awakening.


Digital Book
$4.99 (reg. $9.99)

Video Course 
$244 (reg. $488)


Video-Chakra Series 
$44 (reg. $88)


Power of Cooperation

By Lisa Gniady

When we are in a partnership 
There is an energy of manifestation 
That takes on its own life
When you cooperate
You shift the future

Together the creation is made up of the
Of all the contributors

When you are alone in your creation
You lose the momentum
Of the collective energy

Create for the purpose of helping all
When you cooperate
The finished product
Carries more power
to help the whole

Trust in the power of the many
over the few
And what manifests
Will be the power of the all

Work together with love and light
And the finished product 
Will be the fruits of the collective effort
And the power will be amplified